About Us

RPI SOLUTIONS is a large multinational company with offices in London and Panama City. A Moscow office has been opened in Russia, but the client himself can appoint another convenient meeting place, having previously agreed about it. The specifics of the company are the individual legal consulting services counted on Russians and citizens of the CIS who need professional support for businesses outside their homeland. In order to reduce the risk of unfair partnership to zero, we provide a report on the current status of a foreign legal entity, including informing about its:

Services sector

Except for the legal support of transnational business, we support those who are going to leave for permanent residence or buy the real estate in:

Work principles

The provision of high-quality services at all stages is based on four basic principles: Adequate in form and content to a European, the pricing policy combines the fixed rates and the maximum transparency of the payment structure. No veiled and hidden commissions, incomprehensible/difficult for non-expert schemes of calculating the cost of services. The purpose of our work is to achieve maximum benefit for the client and bring its business to the limit of competitiveness. We never approach the provision of services formally, always thoroughly examine every private investment project. Each time scrupulously developing a personal investment project, and then consistently implementing it, we optimize all of the upcoming client’s overseas costs (taxes, obligatory payments, etc.) to the minimum possible limits. The European standard of service cannot be cheap, but attentiveness and courtesy, as well as beneficial emotional comfort during the whole cooperation, allow us to receive not only the expected result but also pleasant emotions from the quality performance.


The high quality of service in the countries of Europe and Latin America is achieved by the true professionalism of the leading specialist profiles of these continents. The high qualification of practicing lawyers is surely complemented by extensive practical experience and fundamental theory. Employees of the company use practically tested, high-performance working methods, complementing them with their own positive judicial practice in Europe and Latin America. By a combination of factors, our international legal services are considered exclusive, i.e. not having analogs and satisfying all expectations of the customer counting on: Full customer satisfaction from a cooperation with “RPI SOLUTIONS” is achieved by a comprehensive service that allows for the most individual approach to the task.




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Офис RPI SOLUTIONS в Лондоне, № 1 Royal Exchange, Old Street, London - EC3V 3D6 United Kingdom

+44 8000418659
Офис RPI SOLUTIONS в Панама Сити, Hi Tech Plaza, Calle 53, Obarrio, Ciudad de Panama, Republica de Panama.
c 17-00 - до 23-00 по Москве

Офис RPI SOLUTIONS в Москве: площадь Борьбы, д. 13
пн-пт, с 10:00 до 20:00

+7 (499) 346-62-50
Офис RPI SOLUTIONS в ITALY Milan 20122 Placca del Duomo 2 Italy
