Residence permit in Germany gives the right of legal residence in the territory of the country and allows to use a number of rights along with citizens. According to statistics, the largest number of requests comes from Russians and Ukrainians. Despite the visa-free regime for Ukrainians, the procedure of receiving a residence permit is the same as for Russian citizens.
Obtaining a residence permit in Germany for citizens of Russia and other countries begins with contacting the Einwohnermeldeamt – the registration department. Here the information about the applicants is entered in the register. Then, with in advance prepared a package of documents they turn to Ausländeramt – the migration service. It is important to note that new documents with electronic chips are made for a certain time. For this period, special permission to stay in the country is issued – fiktionsbescheinigung.
A residence permit may be canceled for several reasons. This is the absence in the country for more than six months, the decision on immediate expulsion, departure for permanent residence in another country. The authorities of Germany can withdraw a previously issued permission due to the dismissal of a person from work, cancellation of a contract for renting an apartment, marks in the documents on crossing the state borders. If the residence permit was cancelled, the whole process will have to be repeated.
The process of legal obtaining a residence permit in Germany for Russians
As conditions for obtaining a residence permit in Germany provide, first you need to issue a specific visa. Often it means a stamp of category D. Such visa is received for employment or education. But as the reasons require a stay in the country for a long time, it becomes necessary to receive a residence permit. This is a plastic card with an electronic chip. Taking into account the period for which the document is issued, it can be temporary or permanent.
The temporary document is valid for 6–36 months; it is issued due to the circumstances in which the applicant prepared a national visa. If necessary, a temporary residence permit is extended. Unlike Schengen, such document allows living in the country for more than 90 days within every 6 months.
The constant document is not limited to terms, but before receiving a permanent residence in Germany, a number of requirements should be fulfilled. For example, to live in a country with a temporary document for 5 years, without leaving its borders for longer than 6 months for the entire period. Other conditions are to have housing (rented or own) and permanent earnings, to make contributions to the Pension Fund and to pay taxes, speak the German language, and not to conflict with law enforcement agencies.
After 5 years of residence in a country with a permanent residence permit, Germany provides an opportunity to receive citizenship.
Which ways of legal obtaining a residence permit in Germany are available to Russians today?
It is advisable for citizens of Russia who are going to Germany for a residence permit to ask lawyers how to get such status in advance. There are a number of mandatory conditions for applicants.
- Entering the country on the basis of a student visa for educational purposes.
- Employment on the basis of a contract or business immigration. The first option gives the right to stay for 1-3 years with the opportunity of extension. The second option is for wealthy individuals which provides for the preferential terms for obtaining a permanent document – after 3 years, but not after 5 years.
- Blue card. Is issued to programmers, doctors, and scientists – highly skilled professionals who have signed a contract with the local companies and receive a salary from 3 thousand euros per month. A blue card is received for 4 years and then a permanent document is applied for.
- Emigration of the Jews. It is provided for former citizens of the USSR, in whose family there are Jews. The document is issued for 3 years.
- Emigration of ethnic Germans. In the presence of such roots, a simplified legalization scheme is provided for – it is possible to become a resident after 3 years.
- Marriage, family reunion. In this case, there is no need to know German or have a job.
- Refuge. This is one of the most difficult ways to get a residence permit in Germany for a Russian citizen. You will need to collect a package of documents and show evidence of infringement of rights.
How to get a temporary residence permit
Aufenthaltserlaubnis allows staying in the country for more than 90 days for 6 months. Prolongation of a residence permit is possible if people go to Germany for a long time – the legislation determines the validity of the document, taking into account the purposes of stay. The most common reasons for applying are employment, education, marriage, and humanitarian reasons.
The application is submitted to the Office dealing with the affairs of foreigners. It is important to consider that the visa to enter the country and the requested residence permit must have the same reasons. The expenses include the amount for the status registration and its subsequent extension.
Purchase of housing does not guarantee the acquisition of a residence permit but provides certain advantages. The same can be said about the opening of the company in Germany. The authorities are loyal to businessmen whose activities benefit the region.
The EU Blue Card is issued to highly qualified specialists who arrived in the European Union under the concluded employment contract. The owners of such card are ranked as tax residents. The document is issued to:
- graduates of local universities and other educational institutions that are recognized by Germany;
- specialists with high education and work experience from 5 years;
- people who signed a contract with a local employer for a period of 1 year or more;
- representatives of demanded professions who work and receive a high salary.
What a permanent residence permit gives
Niederlassungserlaubnis gives a foreigner all the rights that German citizens have, except for participation in elections and the possibility of finding a job in state structures (police, army, etc.). The conditions for obtaining permanent status are as follows:
- a residence permit during the previous 5 years;
- stable regular income (if the applicant does not require social benefits);
- payment of contributions to the pension fund for the last 5 years;
- good knowledge of the German language;
- knowledge of main information about the country and social policy;
- existence of accommodation.
The applicants submit documents to the Office dealing with the affairs of foreigners and pay a fee.
If you have a blue card, you can apply after 21 months of stay in the country. At the same time, you need to have an average level of proficiency in German (B1). Those who know the language at the primary level (A1) are offered to apply after 33 months. Businessmen apply to government agencies after 3 years if the company works successfully and gives high rates.
The received status is almost not subject to revocation. The exceptions are the situations when a person deliberately deceived the authorities or committed a serious crime.
How to be legalized in the country through the purchase of a real estate
The residence permit in Germany through the purchase of real estate is a popular way to achieve the desired goal. The advantages of this option include:
- there are no restrictions on the cost of land and housing;
- there is no need to open your own business with the risk of bankruptcy;
- it is not required to know German;
- the residence permit is issued to all family members at the same time;
- there is no need to stay in the country for 180 days or more.
The lawyers of RPI SOLUTIONS have repeatedly assisted in obtaining a residence permit for those who decided to buy the real estate in Germany. It is enough to purchase an apartment or a house, to conclude the medical insurance, to have a certain amount in the account to apply for Aufenthaltserlaubnis. All procedures are legal and are subject to the relevant laws of Russia and Germany. With our help, you can get the desired status within a few months. Experts of the international consulting center will support at all stages of the procedure, help to prepare documents and pass all bureaucratic obstacles. Sign up for a consultation to learn more.